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Indoor play inspectors for Children’s Fully Enclosed Play Equipment (FEPE)

Despite there being no specific legal requirement to provide inspection and maintenance programmes for indoor play area safety, the British Standards Institute, the Health & Safety Executive, insurers and the major safety organisations recommend inspections as ‘best practice’ – and using RPII play inspectors is the best course of action for providers to meet this recommendation.

Before the development of the RPII there was no acknowledged independent accreditation process for children’s fully enclosed play inspectors, or for those who wished to become educated in the issues associated with indoor play area safety. However, play facility managers have a legal and moral responsibility to care for the wellbeing of children using their equipment – and at the same time need to meet the expectations of the courts.

In order to fulfil these obligations, a regular series of inspections are recommended for children’s fully enclosed play facilities. These should be carried out by a play area safety specialist who is not connected with the FEPE operator or manager, allowing for an independent written report of the site(s). The RPII scheme enables registered play inspectors to demonstrate their competency in carrying out the tasks required during these vital inspections.

Annual indoor play area safety – gaining accreditation as an inspector

The RPII has developed a comprehensive examination process which play inspectors must complete in order to assess and report on FEPE sites. Once competency has been demonstrated, the inspector will be required to undertake a reassessment every 3 years to ensure that their knowledge remains current, and must sign the Code of Conduct on an annual basis and abide by the terms detailed within.

The course content covers essential play area safety issues such as; vandalism, minor and major wear, long-term structural problems, changes in the standards compliance and design practices, and risk assessments.

Examinations are held as required and the cost per candidate is £350, plus an annual membership fee of £100.