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National bodies meet to discuss government guidance on the opening of playgrounds

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National bodies meet to discuss government guidance on the opening of playgrounds

A number of national bodies with interests in play NALC (National Association of Local Councils), SLCC (The Society of Local Council Clerks), The Play Safety Forum (PSF), Association of Play Industries (API) & The Register of Play Inspectors International (RPII) met with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to discuss the current government guidance.

All involved were delighted by the enthusiasm shown for the provision of play, with it having huge mental and physical benefits to young people particularly at a time when their abilities to enjoy play outside of their homes have been curtailed during the current crisis.

Naturally, many play operators (including local authorities, parish and town councils and national bodies) are cautious about opening these facilities in readiness for 4th July.  Further to clarification from MHCLG we would like to make it clear that the guidance issued by the government on the 26th June is just guidance; there is no obligation for operators to implement all of the listed measures to allow these facilities to reopen, subject to risk assessment and putting in place sufficient measures to manage risks.  It is a matter for each operator to individually risk assess each of their play facilities and make informed decisions about the viability of reopening them. The clarification provided by the meeting is supported by RoSPA, The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

The RPII have produced a document containing  some advice / commentary on the government guidance which you can download here.